New Stats Show Growth in Email Use
New data released by shows that email use in the US has not only grown but is expected to continue its growth through 2019.
Stats have shown a 6.3% increase in the number of email users since 2013 — rising to 232.8 million users in 2015. The growth is attributed to email being a key method of online communication as well as a gateway to most platforms and accounts. For users interested in social media platforms, shopping accounts and more — an email address is almost always required to get signed up.
This year, the number of email users will grow to represent 72.4% of the US population with projections estimating that 90.9% of the American Internet population will be accessible via email by 2019.
The new trends only emphasize the importance of email as part of marketers’ media mixes. With exceptional reach and diligent list maintenance — email can continue to be the most effective form of communication and reengagement with existing audiences.
In fact, additional eMarketer data states that 35.6% of Internet users actively subscribe to emails from brands — confirming that users want to receive valuable information and offers from brands. By taking advantage of first-generation data that has been collected in accordance with email best practices — marketers can significantly improve communication and relationships with consumers. When combined with highly targeted monetization solutions, marketers can even profit from the delivery of highly relevant offers alongside regular distributions of original content and newsletters.
With the many options and clear benefits for maintaining customer engagement via email paired with its clear growth among the consumer population — email will continue to be a powerful medium for marketers in 2015 and the years to come.