Rock Your Bank Account With Responders
Have you ever considered how the amount of time you spend cranking out e-mails to customers and answering inquiries impacts your bottom line? Run the numbers. You might find that your efforts to keep yourself in front of your customers and draw traffic to your site are actually gnawing away on your profits. But affiliate marketing is all about attracting solid leads, and a large chunk of capturing those leads is creating a highly visible Internet presence. How can you keep in constant contact with customers and draw prospects while increasing revenue? Never fear, the autoresponder is here! This nifty e-mail marketing tool is both a time saver and profit booster … if you know what you want and how to use it.
You’ve probably heard stories about the magical qualities of autoresponders. How, with a click of the Send button they turned a $50 per day profit into a $500 a day profit. While auto-responders can pump profit into your business, chances are it won’t happen overnight. They aren’t the magic elixirs of affiliate marketing. Like every other aspect of affiliate marketing, you are going to have to work for it. So, if you slapped up a website with the single goal of making money selling other people’s stuff, an autoresponder probably isn’t for you. It doesn’t matter how big your list is, if you don’t have a solid marketing plan and a strategy for driving traffic to your site, an autoresponder can’t help you achieve the green of which you dream. These components must be in place. Autoresponders are not a marketing plan, but they can enhance the one you already have.
An auto-responder program can tackle the technical aspects of managing your lists, boosting deliverability and scheduling e-mails. Using an autoresponder, you can contact every customer or prospect with a single click of the Send button and drastically reduce the amount of time you spend on e-mails while driving more traffic to your site. More traffic means more revenue. An autoresponder can also help with the business-building aspect of your business by gleaning information about prospects from your squeeze page and helping you create relationships with your customers. For example, you can use an autoresponder to send automated welcome and confirmation messages, solicit feedback, and provide a way for customers to ask questions. You can also use it to draw potential customers further in. If they respond to an offer for a free item, send them a follow-up e-mail that thanks them and suggests an entry-priced product or service. Energize your suggestive selling program and beef up your customer service while building your list and your reputation.
Autoresponders are typically available through your service provider or you can purchase the software. Before diving in, consider how you want to use an autoresponder. Do you want to send messages to your list occasionally or do you want to automate your whole process? Different service providers and software packages offer different features. Determine which services you want and then do a little research. Once you choose an autoresponder, use it. Educate yourself about it and all its bells and whistles so you can optimize the benefits and realize improved profits.