Using Product Comparison To Your Advantage

By AdStation | January 20th, 2014 | Categories: AdStation
product comparison matrix grn

Many companies and marketers are wary of comparing their products or brand to the competition. You hear things like: “Isn’t that helping promote my competition?” The answer is: No. If you think the consumer isn’t comparing the product or brand to your competition, you are being naive. Of course, they are. This article will tell you how you can do the comparing for the consumer and have it work to your advantage.

Take The Lead

You want to do the comparing before your competition does. There is a great opportunity in comparing your product or brand to your competition. Not only can you control what is compared, but you can also position yourself as the expert. You can guide consumers in what advantages to look for when comparing and what’s most important.

Why Comparing Your Products to Your Competition is Good

Today, people use reviews and research products more than ever before. That’s largely in part because the tools and information to do so are there. Another factor is people are pressed for time more, as well as, some people are plain lazy.

Product Comparison Strategy

Of course, the price and certain features are important. However, your strategy should be one of pointing out your products’ key benefits. “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” How it is going to make their lives better, happier, and so forth. Of key consideration is using this opportunity to point out your products’ main advantages over its competition.

Balancing Pros and Cons

Your competition may have a lower-cost solution. If that’s the case, don’t compete on price. Here’s where you can point out why and how your higher-priced solution offers more bang for the buck.

Taking the Focus Off Price

If you can’t compete on price, one strategy is to purposely make it difficult to compare. That is, compare apples to oranges. The strategy here is that the consumer has to focus more on the product, on specific details, and less on price.

What Do Consumers Look For Most?

Return Policies, Guarantees, Testimonials/Reviews and Price lead the list. These are followed by: Convenience, Easy to Compare, Free Shipping, Saving Time, Ease of Purchase, and Range of Products Offered. You should construct your product comparison grid with these elements in mind.

You’re The Expert

People tend to look to experts. Promote yourself as one. Promote yourself as someone who knows more about the field related to your product than anyone else. Talk about your experience. Talk about the company’s customer support. Talk about how your company offers expert tips and guidance, or whatever it is.


Consumers compare products today. They are looking at your competition before making a purchase. Control the comparison in your favor by constructing a product comparison grid yourself for your products. Guide the consumer towards seeing the value in your product. If you can’t compete on price, focus on benefits and explain why your higher price is actually the greater value. Include the elements consumers look for most when comparing, as part of your comparison grid. Help the consumer reach the purchasing decision by providing all the information they’ll need to do so.